Extra Resources:

My goal is to provide you with the most beginner friendly & useful resources relevant to this 21-day coding challenge.

I don't want to overwhelm you with a list of infinite resources that you can NEVER finish reading or watching 😂😂.

So, here you go!

Zero to Mastery Academy

Learn to code for free, get hired in 5 months, and have fun along the way [Full Guide + PDF]
The REAL Web Developer Roadmap Part One - (65 minutes)
The REAL Web Developer Roadmap Part Two - (50 minutes)
How To Get Your First Developer Job Part One - (22 minutes)

Web Accessibility & Design

Definition: What is Accessibility
What is Glassmorphism
How to Use Neumorphism Without Alienating Your Users
What the Heck is Accessibility


Interactive Exercises & Ebook:
FreeCodeCamp: JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures
Eloquent JS: Ebook (21 chapters)
Edabit Coding Challenges

After you complete the FreeCodeCamp JavaScript module & finish reading (& re-reading) all the chapters from Eloquent JS, you will feel more confident about your JavaScript skills 😃😃!


Interactive Exercises & Guide:
FreeCodeCamp: Responsive Web Design HTML, CSS, & Accessibility
CSS Trick: Guides

After you complete the FreeCodeCamp Responsive Web Design module & reading (& re-reading) all the guides (flexbox, grid, media queries, SVG, ...etc) from CSS Trick website, you will feel 200% more confident about your CSS skills 😃😃!